This is a tourist center that possesses a mountain hotel (being remodeling at the present time), from where pure fresh air can be breathed. The hotel has a terrace with an impressive view to the Izalco Volcano. It was affected by the 2001 earthquakes. For more information please visit the Tourist Information Office (CORSATUR) | |
It has become one of the main tourist attractions of the country due to the beauty of its beaches and the comfort of the hotel infrastructure , closely to El Salvador international airport, and from 1 hour from the capital city. | |
It has been named Historical World Heritage, as they are the only ruins of pre-Columbian time where the daily life of the inhabitants of that period of history can be appreciated. Other indigenous ruins were considered ceremonial centers. | |
At 47 kms from San Salvador, as turistic attraction we have the lake Suchitlan, and the Birds Island, Los Tercios (natural stone), La Bermuda. Suchitoto was an important place at the colonial time, where some presidents of El Salvador were born. | |
With a high of 2730 mts. It is the highest point in El Salvador, where many open activities can be done. | |
This is a city that conform La Ruta de Las Flores, located at 16 km. from the department of Sonsonate, and 1040 mts. Above sea level. | |
This is a beautiful volcano located between San Salvador and La Libertad. Surrounding the volcano you can fond some restaurants, like Café Miranda. | |
This city is famous for its ceramic handcraftship more antique in Central America. It is located at 55 km. from San Salvador, connected by excellent rout. | |
A volcanic lake, located at 740 mts above the sea level. It is considered among the 10 most beautiful lakes in the world. | |
The litoral route between the port of La Libertad and La Rada de Mizata was inaugurated in 1959. It has 5 tunels through the rocky mountains. You can visit many beaches such as: Conchalio, El Majahual, El Tunco, El Zonte, La Perla, etc. | |
It is part of the La Ruta de Las Flores, at 74 km from San Salvador, at 540 mts above the sea level. Famous by and handcraftship of wicker.
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