El Salvador constitutes a democratic and representative republic, which it is integrated by three branches of power: The executive headed by the President of the Republic, and his cabinet made up of the ministers (secretaries), vice-ministers, and presidents or directors of autonomous or decentralized institutions. His term is for five years. The Legislative, whose power is exerted upon an assembly of 84 deputies elected for a period of three years. The Judicial – the Supreme Court of Justice – made up of fourteen magistrates, including its president. It has four chambers: the Constitutional, the Civil, the Penitentiary and the Contentious Administrative.
Its term is for nine years. The political division of El Salvador is composed of fourteen departments and 262 Municipalities. Each one of these municipalities possesses a Municipal Council presided over by a Mayor whose term lasts three years in office. |
El Salvador supports a political stability, since the last 5 presidents have been elect democratically, and with popular support, that is to say that have been elect freely to exercise his employment. Also from 1989, the political party that is into the government it has not changed already taking 4 consecutive periods at the presidency, and following the same economic, political, and social limits that took it to it. |
The Constitution of El Salvador dates from 1983, but as a result of the Peace Agreements of 1992 it has undergone certain amendments in the areas of: Human Rights, Public Security, the Judicial Branch and Electoral Matters. |